
I was leading research for a Polish start-up in the incubation process. I worked on strategies for new products based on collected research insight to facilitate empowerment and motivation for people to fight addiction.

The team included: Buisness Expert, Expert – Neuropharmacology, Designer, and Technology Expert, and me as a designer and researcher


Simultanico received funding and is working as a Behap.Me platform.


Simultanico is a Polish start-up working on the space to create a meaningful relation between mentors and people with addictions.

As a lead researcher, I was:

  • preparing scripts and surveys,

  • conducting In-depth Interviews with a vulnerable population and specialists in the field,

  • learning from secondary research.

As a behavioral designer, I was:

  • using research to understand user journeys and user personas,

  • delivering strategies to facilitate empowerment leading toward better recovery for users,

  • deciding on the voice and tone of communication with users and marketing strategies,

  • using Behavior Design Thinking to understand the psychological and social context of the project,

  • contributing to monetization strategies for the start-up,

  • preparing the presentation for the potential investors.


About 4 million people in Poland are addicted to alcohol alone. 80% of people within a year after therapy falls back into addiction. After rehabilitation people go back to their environment where they were drinking, experiencing the same temptations, and opportunities to drink. There is a lack of functional support systems after rehabilitation.
The total value of private therapy in Poland is 5–8 bn zlotych annually (1.3–2.13 bn USD).


There is a social stigma of addiction. A negative “halo” effect associates addiction with a person on the margins of society, when a majority of alcoholics in Poland are living a seemingly perfect life. This discrepancy doesn’t allow people to admit and accept that they have a problem. Drinking is a descriptive norm in Poland. In some social groups, it is considered rude not to drink with others, and avoiding social drinking is frowned upon.


Designing interventions to facilitate recovery for people with addictions. Creating a mentorship program which includes education, raising awareness, and confidence building among people with addiction problems. Focusing on people struggling to start therapy, those who are missing the support after a professional therapy, and those who are sober to help stay close to the values that helped them overcome addiction and temptations.

  1. We focused on science. Working with Dr. Kathlene Tracy the Director of the Psychosocial Division within the Addition Institute at Mount Sinai.

  2. We made it simple and 100% online.

  3. We worked to create the safe space online to help people feel truly themselves.

  4. We priorities making sure that they will be dedicated, sober people in the environment, who can share same experiences.